Thoughts My Brain Is Having

Hi, I'm Ben Ricker, and if there's one thing I've learned, it's that people are at the heart of every successful project. After over a decade in the software industry, I've decided it's time to start jotting down some of the thoughts and experiences I've gathered along the way.

Over the course of the last 6 years at Rocket Insights / DEPT, I've learned a lot from some amazing mentors and teams across a wealth of projects. I've observed a lot of exceptional people do what they do best across a throng of roles & responsibilities. This, and seeing the impact that a manager can make on an employees career, have informed my direction more than any engineering enlightenment or technical skill.

There's nothing more rewarding to me than understanding someone's problem, helping them solve it, and see the weight come off of their shoulders as they realized they've learned some new power to approach this in the future. I can remmeber what it's like to be an early engineer, not understanding the lay of the land nevermind how to navigate it. I believe that when people are supported and engaged, great things happen—not just for them, but for the entire organization.

Over the years, I've led a multitude of engineering projects, energized ideation sprints, and ventured into AI architecture and implementations. I'm passionate about solving challenges and building interesting products that help our teams and organizations thrive.

In this blog, I'll be sharing insights on engineering management, leadership, and the journey of building great teams and products. Whether you're an engineer, a leader, or someone interested in the dynamics of tech teams, I hope you'll find something valuable here.

Hugs and kisses,
